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New Study Finds the Demand for Physical Therapists Will Only Grow Amid Shortage

The shortage of physical therapists in the U.S. will not be letting up any time soon, according to a new study published in the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal looking at retirement rates, rates of graduates entering the workforce, and workforce attrition nationwide. The researchers predict there will be 273,070 full-time equivalent (FTE) physical therapists…

APTQI Awards Reps. Miller and Stansbury 2025 Falls Prevention Leadership Awards for Safeguarding Seniors’ Access to Physical Therapy

The Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation recently awarded Representatives Carol Miller (R-WV-01) and Melanie Stansbury (D-NM-01) with 2025 Falls Prevention Leadership Awards for their continued commitment to protecting older Americans from falls by expanding access to physical and occupational therapy. Reps. Miller and Stansbury are lead sponsors of the bipartisan Stopping Addiction and…

APTQI Advocates on Capitol Hill for Medicare Stability & Expanded Falls Prevention Measures

Members of the Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality & Innovation (APTQI) recently spent two days in Washington meeting with federal lawmakers and staff to advocate for physical and occupational therapy. The meetings were specifically focused on combatting provider reimbursement cuts and legislation to improve falls prevention measures for older Americans as well as general education.…

New Research Showing Older Adults at Greater Risk for Traumatic Brain Injuries from Falls Emphasizes the Need for Preventative Assessments 

A recent investigation of traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related mortality in the United States reveals that Americans aged 75 and older face the highest risk of fatal brain injuries, according to data published in Brain Injury. The research findings reveal adults aged 75 and older experienced nearly 87 deaths per 100,000 people: a statistic that is nearly three…

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Recommends Tying 2026 Physician Payment Changes to Inflation

Earlier this month, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) recommended that Congress tie 2026 physician payment updates to a measure of inflation called the Medicare Economic Index (MEI). Doing so would result in a 1.3% increase and introduce additional safety-net payments for those providing care to low-income Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) beneficiaries. The recommendation is expected…

USPSTF Recommends Against Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements for Falls Prevention – Underscoring Importance of Exercise Interventions for Older Americans

In a draft statement published in December, the United State Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) determined that vitamin D and calcium supplements no longer have any benefit and/or that the harms outweigh the benefit for preventing falls in older adults. Specifically, when it comes to minimizing falls and fall-related fractures, the new research from the…

