Our Blog

Physical Therapists Score Policy Win in Ohio

Earlier this year, a proposal by the Ohio Board of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) created concern throughout the physical therapy community because it proposed interrupting the flow of care for patients by imposing unnecessary new burdens for documenting services.  The proposed provision in BWC’s physical therapy billing policy would have created excessive documentation requirements, distracting physical…

Priorities for 2017

It has been a busy 2017 already for the outpatient rehabilitation world and in turn for the Alliance.  We continue to focus on our mission of ensuring patient access to value driven physical therapy care.  To accomplish our mission, we have been working on several different areas.  First, we are continuing to follow the payment…

A word from Troy Bage, APTQI’s executive director

I am excited to begin a monthly blog post for the Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation (APTQI, or the Alliance).  As some of you know, our Alliance came together around the topic of payment reform back in 2013.  We wanted to ensure that our profession was best positioned for the changing healthcare environment…

