APTQI in the News

Arizona Daily Star

Access to Physical Therapy Vital for Aging Arizonians

Physical therapy is a cost-effective, patient-preferred option to prevent and treat pain without medication. It is clinically proven to improve strength, function, and mobility, especially for seniors as they age….

McKnights Long-Term Care News

Telehealth and rehab with end of PHE

Regulation is always clear and easy to comprehend.  Laughable, right? What often happens when new rules and regulations are proposed or finalized is that there is a flurry of activity…

Inside Health Policy

CMS: Therapists In SNFs, HHAs And Rehab Agencies Can Continue Telehealth Indefinitely

Pivoting from guidance issued in the weeks leading up to the end of the PHE, CMS clarified in an FAQ Friday (May 19) that eligible distant site therapists can continue…

McKnight's Long-Term Care News

Therapists anxious without CMS guidance on telehealth coverage post-PHE

Therapy groups serving long-term care and other institutional providers were left hanging Thursday as the public health emergency officially lapsed and federal regulators still had not given clarification on whether…

PR Newswire

Rizing Tide Foundation Celebrates $15K Donation and New Scholarships

Rizing Tide, a foundation dedicated to broadening the reach, impact and accessibility of physical therapists by advancing racial diversity and inclusiveness in the physical therapy (PT) workforce, announced today that The Alliance…

Kaiser Health News

Remote Fitness Must Not Replace the Value of Physical Therapy

If we’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s how vital technology is in allowing us to stay connected virtually, especially when it comes to health care. However, the online world…

Courier Journal

Cutting Medicare for physical therapy leaves Kentucky seniors in pain and unsupported

Folks, we are at a crossroads.  Medicare is planning to reduce Kentuckians access to the most conservative and cost-effective way to treat aches, pains, sprains and strains: your highly skilled…

Medpage Today

Physical and Occupational Therapy Are on the Medicare Chopping Block

Americans expect the best care from their doctors. Decades of experience, thoughtful interdisciplinary planning, and evidence-based research mean providers are treating them based on widely accepted standards of care. For…

Chicago Tribune

Medicare services at risk

On Jan. 1, a severe, nearly 4.5% Medicare cut to physical and occupational therapy services will go into effect. This drastic measure will undoubtedly threaten our local physical therapy centers’…

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Letter: Congress must stop looming Medicare cuts

Our community’s seniors rely on Medicare to pay for their health care services, but newly finalized cuts are threatening to jeopardize their access to care.