We are committed to quality physical therapy care.

Who we are

The Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation (APTQI) is an aligned group of physical therapists and physical therapy practices who share a common vision for the future of our profession. Our goal is to establish physical therapy as a clinically appropriate treatment of choice with the best value for patients and payers.

Older Americans Recognize the Value of PT & OT in Preventing Falls


are concerned about accidental falls.


view physical & occupational therapists as very important to preventing falls.


support the SAFE Act (H.R. 7618) to help prevent falls.


think it is vital for Congress to properly fund physical and occupational therapy.


Idaho Statesman

Fall injuries a huge risk for older Americans. This simple step could keep them safe

Idaho’s physical therapy community is rallying behind new legislation introduced in Congress that would help expand access to critical physical and occupational therapy (PT/OT) services for seniors enrolled in Medicare….

Magic Valley Times-News

Letter to the editor: In support of SAFE Act

Each day, thousands of older Americans fall. These falls lead to prolonged pain, broken bones, hospitalizations, and even death. They also significantly increase the financial strain on our healthcare system,…


USPSTF Recommends Against Vitamin D and Calcium Supplements for Falls Prevention – Underscoring Importance of Exercise Interventions for Older Americans

In a draft statement published in December, the United State Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) determined that vitamin D and calcium supplements no longer have any benefit and/or that the…

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Infographic: Congress Can Act to Prevent Falls

New Survey: 7-in-8 Older Americans Support the SAFE Act (H.R. 7618)